Importance of Forest Management
What do you understand by the term Forest Management? Forest management is a division of forestry that deals with political, legal, fiscal, and social issues, as well as science and technological issues like silviculture, forest conservation, and forest control. Timber, aesthetics, tourism, urban interests, water, habitat, freshwater and nearshore fisheries, wood products, plant genetic resources, and other forest resource values are all part of this management. Management goals may be conservation, utilization, or a combination of both. Timber harvest, planting and replanting of various plants, construction and maintenance of roads and paths through woodland, and fire prevention are some of the techniques used. Methods of Forest Harvesting Clearcutting or bush cutting , shelterwood, and sorting systems are the three main types of timber harvesting techniques. Although they are all unique and apply to various forest types, they all have three things in common: They provide wood fibe