
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Võsa ost

Conservation of Forest Resources | Metsa ABC

Forest conservation is defined as the prevention of additional forest depletion. MetsaABC provides Forest Maintenance , management, harvesting, and other forest services in Estonia. The following are a few steps that may be taken to help preserve our woods. Planned and Regulated Cutting of Trees Commercial tree cutting is a major contributor to deforestation. Across 1,600 million cubic meters of wood have been utilized for various purposes around the world, according to estimates. Despite the fact that trees are a perpetual resource, their recovery is impossible when they are depleted on a wide scale. As a result,cutting should be controlled by the use of techniques such as: Clear cutting Selective cutting, and Shelterwood cutting For regions where the same sorts of trees are accessible across a vast area, the clear-cutting approach is beneficial. In that instance, trees of the same age group can be chopped down in a designated area and replanted. Only mature trees are chopped down in ...

Types, Pros & Cons of Clear-Cutting | metsaABC

Clear-cutting is a controversial forestry or forest management practice. Clear-cutting can have negative consequences on land and ecology. However, there are certain advantages as well. Although forest clear-cutting is sometimes used interchangeably with deforestation, the two are not always synonymous. In the most extreme circumstances, clear-cutting can result in land degradation, but it can also help with forest regeneration, which is one of the most important benefits of the activity. So, when used appropriately, it does have some beneficial impacts to consider. What is clear-cutting? Clear-cuts are forest-felling operations in which all or almost all of the trees in a certain region are felled at the same time. The approach is the most commercially appealing and, as a result, the most often used. Trees are frequently chopped in a regular manner. There are, however, alternative possibilities. Clear-cutting is carried out for a variety of reasons, including wood harvesting and fore...

Parim viis metsade majandamiseks | Metsa ABC

Metsadel on keskkonnas ja majanduses ülioluline roll. Metsad pakuvad puhast õhku ja vett, metsloomade elupaiku, suurepäraseid maastikke, vaba aja veetmise võimalusi ja üle 5000 eseme, mida me kõik igapäevaselt kasutame, kui neid hästi majandatakse. Ülerahvastatus, haigused, putukad ja konkurents valguse, vee ja toitainete pärast muudavad metsad ebatervislikuks ja ebaproduktiivseks, kui neid ei majandata korralikult. Metsanikud kasutavad  Metsa hooldus  ja tootlikkuse säilitamiseks või suurendamiseks, samuti maaomaniku eesmärkide täitmiseks kinnistu osas mitmesuguseid metsamajandamisviise, nagu ülestöötamine, planeeritud põletamine ja ümberistutamine. Puude koristamine Puid raiutakse metsa  m ajandamisel erinevatel põhjustel, sealhulgas metsa tervise parandamiseks, kasvukohal kasvavate puuliikide kontrollimiseks, teatud metsloomaliikide meelitamiseks, maaomaniku sissetulekuallikaks, saematerjali, paberi ja muu metsa tootmiseks. tooteid ning jahimeeste, matkajate ja teiste ...