Conservation of Forest Resources | Metsa ABC

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Forest conservation is defined as the prevention of additional forest depletion. MetsaABC provides Forest Maintenance, management, harvesting, and other forest services in Estonia. The following are a few steps that may be taken to help preserve our woods.

Planned and Regulated Cutting of Trees

Commercial tree cutting is a major contributor to deforestation. Across 1,600 million cubic meters of wood have been utilized for various purposes around the world, according to estimates. Despite the fact that trees are a perpetual resource, their recovery is impossible when they are depleted on a wide scale.

As a result,cutting should be controlled by the use of techniques such as:

  • Clear cutting
  • Selective cutting, and
  • Shelterwood cutting

For regions where the same sorts of trees are accessible across a vast area, the clear-cutting approach is beneficial. In that instance, trees of the same age group can be chopped down in a designated area and replanted. Only mature trees are chopped down in selective cutting. This procedure must be repeated in a clockwise direction. Sheker wood cutting entails the removal of non-essential trees initially, followed by medium and best-quality timber trees.

The period between cuts is beneficial to tree regrowth. Only one-tenth of the forest area is chosen for use in controlled cutting, and a rotating approach is always used to safeguard the trees. A forest can be maintained in such a way that a wood crop can be harvested continuously without depletion year after year. Many countries use a practice known as "sustained yield."

Controlling Forest Fires

Forest fires are a common source of forest destruction or loss, owing to the fact that trees are extremely exposed to fire, which is difficult to manage once it has begun. The fire is sometimes started by a natural phenomenon, such as lightning or friction between trees during high winds, but it is usually started by man, either purposefully or unintentionally.

It is vital to develop cutting-edge firefighting tactics in order to rescue forests from fire. Developing three-meter-wide fire lanes around the perimeter of the fire, backfires, water spray arrangements and fire retardant chemicals sprayed from a rear tank, if practicable, by helicopters are some of the fire suppression strategies. To put out the fire, you'll need a well-trained firefighting team.

Afforestation and Reforestation

When wood is removed, either by block cutting or selective cutting, the denuded land must be reforested, according to the sustained yield principle. This can be accomplished by natural or man-made means. Similarly, any wooded land that has been burned or mined should be reforested. The technique of choice in rough terrain is aerial seeding.

Apart from that, new afforestation programs should be implemented. New plantings will assist to restore the ecological balance as well as boosting forest cover. Trees should be chosen for afforestation based on local geographical circumstances, and care should be given throughout the trees' first growth.

Examine Forest Clearance for Agriculture and Habitat

The majority of today's agricultural land was formerly wooded before being removed for farming. However, it has now reached a point where any additional clearing will endanger the ecology as a whole. Shifting agriculture is still used by several tribals in Asia, Africa, and South America.

According to estimates, 200 million tribals use around 40 million sq km of land for this purpose. This should be investigated, and an alternate approach created, for the sake of forest protection. Similarly, forest lands have been removed for the development of villages, towns, and cities, and this process continues today, resulting in forest loss. Green belts around cities should be established as well.

Forest Protection

Existing forests should be conserved. Unorganized grazing is another factor, in addition to commercial cutting. Forest diseases caused by a parasitic fungus, rusts, mistletoes, viruses, and nematodes kill trees. Forests should be safeguarded by using chemical sprays, medicines, or developing disease-resistant tree strains.

Proper Forest and Forest Products Utilization

Typically, trees are cut for logs and the remainder of the tree, including stumps, limbs, branches, and foliage, is discarded as waste. Saw mills produce even more garbage. As a result, this waste material must be used. Several applications have been developed, and products like waterproof glues, boar r, and other such items are now available.

Forests, too, can be developed or utilized as tourism attractions. The country may generate significant foreign cash by utilizing them as tourism centers. Many countries, both developed and developing, have begun to follow this strategy. The terms 'national park' and 'game sanctuary' are now widely used, and each country has established its own 'national park.'

Government's Role in Forest Conservation

While every country's government is concerned about the conservation of its forest resources and has enacted a number of regulations and laws to safeguard forests, they are not always followed.

Governments at both the national and provincial levels can take measures in this regard, for example:

  • Pass legislation promoting forest conservation.
  • An inventory of forest resources is being conducted.
  • Forest categorization and accurate delimitation of restricted forest areas are essential.
  • Determine whether sites are suitable for reforestation,
  • Control the use of forest products for commercial purposes.
  • Fire, mining, and other natural disasters should be avoided at all costs.
  • Establish national parks, and
  • Encourage the growth of forest-related activities such as social forestry and agroforestry, among others.
  • Make long-term and short-term master plans, among other things.

Forest Management

Forest management is the backbone of all conservation initiatives. The following factors must be considered while managing forests:

  • Forest inventory
  • Forest classification
  • Forestry for economic purposes
  • Forest management administrative framework,
  • Forest conservation training programs
  • Using forest land as a tourism destination
  • Agroforestry and social issues
  • Research and development of innovative forest conservation approaches
  • Forest conservation and efficient use of research, and
  • Policy formulation and execution

In summary, forest resource conservation may be accomplished through a good management system including the government, non-governmental organizations, and the public.

MetsaABC is a forest company whose team has two decades of experience in forest harvesting and management services. Along with forest services they also conduct the sale and Purchase of forest property, growing forest, growing shrubs, and sale and Purchase of Felling Waste. Contact them today to know more about their forest services!

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